Praise your children openly,
reprehend them secretly.
Seminars And Workshops
“Parenting is a lifelong journey”. As parents, we have an important responsibility. Every parent wants to be a good parent and role model for our children. But effective parenting is not easy. It is a journey of trial and error, continuous learning and growing together with your child. The task can be daunting.

Being a parent can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of your life, but that doesn't mean it's easy. No matter what age your child or children are, your work is never done. To be a good parent, you need to know how to make your children feel valued and loved, while teaching them the difference between right and wrong. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to create a nurturing environment where your children feel like they can thrive and develop into confident, independent, and caring adults.

Children have peculiar attitudinal manifestation and that’s why it’s imperative for the parents to understand the same and be guided by the real reasons of their behavioral disposition.

Parenting is a tough gig and it’s getting tougher all the time. Today’s parents find it more challenging than previous generations. It is found that there are a significant proportion of parents struggling with their parenting responsibilities. There are many reasons for this. Some of them are as follows:

  • Nuclear Families: Unlike earlier days, now days the trend has changed from joint family to nuclear family. Where the supervision and guidance of senior persons of family i.e. grandparents is missing due to the working conditions such as varied locations. Therefore the responsibility of taking care and parenting children had become more complicated.
  • Dual Working Parents: Another reason is the trend towards both parents working brings new challenges for families blending work and family responsibilities. “It can make it hard to spend quality time with our children. Parents feel guilty because they’re away from their children when they’re at work, and this leads to them being anxious, overindulgent parents who easily fall into a trap where the kids rule the roost and the parent feels like they can’t say ‘No’ any more.
  • Stress Due To Juggling Work and Children: Research says that people are under stress due to juggling work and children. We are working for longer hours, women are encouraged to return to work earlier, and there are pressures associated with finding childcare. It can lead to a situation where families feel an enormous amount of stress.
  • Changes in lifestyle and eating habits: the lifestyle of people is changing day by day. People are easily adapting the foreign lifestyle and foreign eating habits. This leads to increased consumption of fast food and resulting into problems like obesity among the children. Also it leads to the increased anxiety and anger among the children which makes it difficult for the parents to handle the situation.
  • Over expectations from children: parents are expecting more and more from their children. In the cutthroat competition, parents want their children to be best in all the fields. Whether it is academics, sports or extracurricular activities. This is resulting into the stress among the children which in turn results into the behavioural and psychological problems in the children.
  • Emerging technology: Due to the emergence newer technologies; children are becoming more tech savvy and are getting exposed to and influenced by the different media resulting into violent behaviour among the children.

To deal with all these situations and to be a good parent, one has to understand the ways to enjoy the parenting and have a healthy parenting for our children. This will further help us to have a healthy and strong bonding among the parents and children resulting into a healthy society and a healthy nation.

We at Sangopan attempt to install an effective parent-child interactive communication flow based on the innate elements of the child. The counselor illustrate to the parents on every aspect of child’s behavior. We educate parents to craft their techniques to respond.

Parenting seminars and workshops helps parents learn more positive ways to think about and act on their child’s behaviour, how to communicate with their child more effectively, examination of parenting plans, goals and styles of parenting, the fundamentals of a healthy family, learn positive approaches to discipline, how to set limits and boundaries, discussion of topics of interest to parents (self-esteem, peer pressure, social skills, etc.), and generally exploring many other strategies to enhance the parent child relationship.

The Positive Parenting Program for children and Teens is a unique multi-level family intervention program for the prevention and treatment of behavioral and emotional problems in children. Parents learn about effective parenting strategies, how to promote child’s development, how to manage common child behaviour problems, principles to help you deal with almost any situation that might arise.

Parents are logically explained how they should avoid suppressing their children due to misunderstanding on their part about child’s conduct exhibit. These way children will become open and will form the habit of sharing with their parents. Parents are made clear about the annotations of the theory of multiple intelligences and are counseled to target on the development of their child’s talent and potential.

Apart from the parenting seminars & workshops, we also conduct seminars and workshops on multiple Intelligence based teaching for teachers and parenting for parents. Apart from this we also conduct different modules for students and professionals on time management, stress management, life skills management etc.

Our workshops till date have proven an overwhelming response success for the participants in their life.

Some of the popular Seminars & Workshops in demand are;

  • Art of Parenting
  • Modernized Parenting
  • MI based Teaching Training for Teachers
  • Life skills Management
  • Stress Management
  • Time Management
  • Learning & Study Skills Techniques
  • Memory & Concentration Techniques
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Career Selection