You can’t always control what happens,
But you can always control how you deal with it
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neuro-linguistic programming is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviours to help achieve desired outcomes for them. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others and is often described as a user manual for your conscious and unconscious mind.

NLP has the power to literally transform your life in new, positive directions, with powerfully positive strides. Positively shifting your life and perspective as each technique is learned and applied.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapy incorporates, a set of language- and sensory-based interventions and behaviour-modification techniques intended to help improve the client’s self-awareness, confidence, communication skills, and social actions. NLP, provides practical ways in which you can change the way that you think, view past events, and approach your life. It shows you how to take control of your mind, and therefore your life. Unlike psychoanalysis, which focuses on the ‘why’, NLP is very practical and focuses on the ‘how’.

NLP works from the starting point that you may not control much in your life, but that you can always take control of what goes on in your head. Your thoughts, feelings and emotions are not things that are, or that you have, but things that you do. Their causes can often be very complicated, involving, for instance, comments or beliefs from your parents or teachers, or events that you have experienced.

NLP shows you how you can take control of these beliefs and influences. Using mind techniques such as visualisation, you can change the way that you think and feel about past events, fears and even phobias. NLP is a very powerful technique based on the power of your own mind. Some might call it ‘mind tricks’ but, by using these techniques and others developed by NLP practitioners, you can learn to take control of your mind and how you respond to the world.

You may not be able to control the world, but you can control how you react to it.

What you believe can be extremely powerful. If you believe you’re ill and that you’re going to die, you probably will: witch doctors have been using this technique for centuries.

Likewise, if you believe that you have been given something that will make you better, you often do get better. This ‘placebo effect’ is well-documented in clinical trials.

NLP has been used to treat fears and phobias, anxiety, poor self-esteem, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and overall reduced quality of life due to various psychological issues.

NLP is intended to help clients understand their own minds, how they came to think and behave the way they do, and to learn to manage their moods and emotions and reprogram the way they process information so that it leads to more acceptable and successful behaviour. At the same time, NLP is designed to help clients see ways they have been successful in the past and determine how they can most easily and efficiently repeat that success in other areas of their lives. NLP therapists believe that their clients have the answers to their problems within themselves; it is simply a matter of helping them draw out those answers.

NLP is a broad field of practice. As such, NLP practitioners use many different techniques that include the following:

Anchoring Yourself: Turning sensory experiences into triggers for certain emotional states. For Example: If we start talking about lemons, their smell, their taste, the colour, the image of you eating one, you will begin to salivate. The image of the lemon is anchored in yourself. Same goes with many images or emotions. It has been proven that, if before an interview, you strike a power pose for 2 minutes and put yourself in a positive successful mind set, you will dramatically increase your chances to actually succeed.

Building Rapport /Mirroring: Mirroring is an NLP technique that leverages body language to make instant connections and build rapport with anyone. It has been proven that finding commonalities at the beginning of a relationship will increase your ability to be trusted. We have a friend, sport, passion in common for example. For Example: When you’re talking to someone, mirror your body language to theirs. If they are high-energy, match that energy level. If their body language is relaxed, reflect that. You can even change the words you choose to use to match their vocabulary. The other person will automatically find you more trustworthy – because you are just like them. The practitioner tunes into the person by matching their physical behaviours to improve communication and response through empathy.

Swish Ppattern: Changing patterns of behaviour or thought to come to a desired outcome instead of an undesired outcome. Swish is about reprogramming your mind from an unwanted behaviour to a desired behaviour. If you link an emotion to an unwanted experience or behaviour. Swish is the process to disrupt that link. For Example: First, create a vivid picture in your mind of something you don’t want. Make it big and bright. Then create a vivid picture of what you want to replace it with, making it small and dull. Now reverse them: Bring the image of what you want into the foreground, making it brighter and brighter. Add triumphant music and motion. Throw the image you don’t want into the background, turning it grey and colourless. Repeat this reversal three to five times. You’ll train your brain to amplify positives and weaken negatives.

Visual/Kinesthetic Dissociation (VKD): Trying to remove negative thoughts and feelings associated with a past event. For Example: Identify an emotion that you want to get rid of (fear, rage, discomfort.). Imagine you can float out of your body looking at yourself having this emotion. You can then float again out of it, meaning "you look at yourself looking at yourself". This will help distance yourself from the emotion.

Incantations: Incantations are a more powerful version of affirmations, which are one of the more mainstream neuro-linguistic programming techniques. An affirmation is a phrase you repeat to yourself about your beliefs and goals. Incantations take it a step further, changing your physiology as well as your words to create a state of total confidence. Get yourself into peak state by embodying what you’re saying with all the intensity you can. NLP techniques like incantations are an effective way to reprogram your mind and create empowering beliefs.

Applications of Neuro Linguistic Programming

NLP can be used every day in practical situations – at work creating rapport with clients, in personal development by creating healthy relationships, in sales by getting a better understanding of customers issues and showing confidence. There are so many areas of life that can benefit with NLP, so I have outlined some of these below.

Personal Development

In personal development, NLP is an ideal way to address a personal issue, or build strengths in both familiar and unfamiliar areas. NLP offers a cognitive framework, a supportive environment and practical tools that can help you in many ways.
You can use NLP to help:

  • Resolve anxiety and negative feelings or habits
  • Create healthy relationships
  • Have more influence over change in your life
  • Communicate in a variety of contexts with diverse people
  • Bring out the qualities of the individuals around you
  • Develop realizable plans

Business Development

NLP is widely respected by leading employers and has found its way discretely into many courses on presentations, planning, sales and team building, often without being credited by name. Why not study the ideas and techniques behind such training, and at the same time learn how you can apply them to whatever set of business activities you choose.
You can use NLP to:

  • Create rapport with customers, partners and staff
  • Align work with values to build motivation and loyalty among customers and staff
  • Set clear, practical outcomes
  • Plan effectively
  • Detect people’s decision making strategies
  • Improve your skills in public speaking and presentations

HR and Training

More and more organisations today are recognising the added value that NLP brings to a variety of business activities. Whether in increased sales, improved customer or staff relationships or better communication (internal and external), NLP can help you bring these about, using practical, tested tools.

NLP will help you to:
  • Add depth to your training by working on beliefs as well as behaviours
  • Get the most out of your investment by making learning sustainable
  • Access powerful techniques for bringing about change
  • Provide practical ways for your people to achieve peak performance
  • Enable your people to communicate more effectively and persuasively
  • Learn coaching methodologies


NLP and Sales have a natural fit. Learning NLP tools will give you more influence, and more understanding of what motivates people to say “yes.”
NLP will help you to:

  • Understand customers’ listening styles and adapt to them
  • Use persuasion techniques ethically
  • Spot these techniques if they are being used unethically by others
  • Embed confidence when facing challenging sales situations such as a ‘big pitch’
  • Deal positively with the rejection that is a natural part of the sales process

Management and Leadership

NLP is widely used in management training and coaching. It is clear and practical, focusing on outcomes and results rather than requiring people to master complex theories.
NLP will help you to:

  • Get on the same wavelength as staff
  • Understand people’s communication styles and adapt to them
  • Set clear, reachable targets
  • Build, maintain and motivate teams
  • Understand your own values and priorities, in and beyond the workplace
  • Learn practical methods of using values for self-motivation & the motivation of others


If you’re in the teaching profession you already value and have developed the ability to impart information so that people learn. NLP will help you build these skills even further. Outside the profession, many of us are involved in helping others learn. Assisting a colleague or employee to take on a new task, raising children and making presentations are all forms of teaching, and NLP will develop your skills there, too.
NLP will help you to:

  • Identify people’s natural learning styles
  • Develop your flexibility in presentation
  • Lead learners to the best state of mind to absorb and assimilate information
  • Overcome blocks to learning
  • Make learning easier and faster via presuppositions and language patterns


NLP integrate into the belief system that works well to create effective, caring coaches. Another key feature of NLP is the principle of transferring skills into different contexts. Great coaches are able to create trust and relationship with their clients, yet often find it difficult to market themselves. How can approaches which are effective in one context be transferred to those which seem more of a struggle?
Coaches have found NLP useful in many ways, such as:

  • Understanding and communicating non-verbally
  • Noticing and utilising language patterns
  • Developing rapport and creating an atmosphere of possibility
  • Creating change rapidly and elegantly
  • Using the tools and techniques of NLP in a coaching environment
  • Coaching skills are also increasing valued within organisations and many managers are expected to play a coaching role as part of their job. Our NLP Practitioner Course provides a supportive environment in which to learn core coaching competencies.


NLP can provide valuable tools to help face the challenges of starting, running, and perhaps eventually selling a business.
You can use NLP to:

  • Overcome unhelpful beliefs about risk and luck
  • Examine fears about leaving conventional employment and going it alone
  • Build and readily access your capacity to generate new ideas
  • Create and use a full entrepreneurial ‘skill-set’
  • Ensure that your priorities and those of your business don’t trip each other up
  • Clarify and stick to your long-term strategy
  • Create and stick to tactical plans
  • Finish the job; too many start-ups start well but fade away


Mainstream medicine is becoming increasingly positive about the link between thought, behaviour and health. Numerous studies show behaviours like eating patterns, emotional reactions like anger and thinking patterns like pessimism have been shown to directly affect health. That is likely to be the tip of the iceberg.
You can use the tools that NLP provides to change the thinking patterns and the behaviours that they initiate to improve the health of yourself and others. Whether you’re a health professional or simply want to improve the way your health impacts your life, NLP has a great deal to offer.
NLP will help you to:

  • Lower general levels of stress
  • Plan for a healthier life and stick to that plan
  • Manage your mental state: learn to enter relaxed mental states that aid recovery and to react differently to stressful situations
  • Change unhelpful beliefs about body shape and other inherited conditions
  • Change habits and behaviours that damage your health into ones that sustain it


Neuro-linguistic programming is the study of human excellence, with a focus on communication and change – fundamentals of effective consulting. NLP is also ideal for project management.
NLP can help you to:

  • Hone your coaching skills; many consultants are studying NLP to broaden their offering to clients
  • Extend your existing range of influence and deepen your connection with clients and colleagues
  • Communicate more effectively and persuasively as you influence and support individuals, groups or organisations.
  • Build rapport and help people solve problems, develop strategy and creativity.
  • Create outcomes which have the maximum chance of success
  • Generate business from existing clients and referrals


NLP looks at human behaviour, our own as well as others, and from a marketing and advertising perspective gives a wealth of NLP tools to use.
Conversely, if you’d like to avoid getting your own buttons “pushed” without your consent, you need to know where they are.
NLP can help you with:

  • The language of influence – learn language patterns that reach out
  • Avoid pitfalls – maintaining integrity, and communicating in a way that fits you
  • Manage your state during important meeting, presentations and pitches
  • Embedded Commands – get your audience to subconsciously agree to and consciously act upon commands you can use in your advertising, conversations, or correspondence.
  • Adapt to different contexts, individuals and audiences – including hostile ones
  • ?Learn how to model success


NLP is now part of many professional coaching regimes. Whether you’re a professional athlete, an occasional amateur, a team coach or just a coach to your kids, NLP can help you improve performance and also get greater enjoyment from sport.
You can use NLP to:

  • Manage mental states and access ‘the zone’
  • Set and meet performance goals
  • Change self-limiting beliefs about performance
  • Model and learn from leaders in the field
  • Rehearse skills and performances mentally
  • Believe that every bad scenario can be overturned; the difference between fighting on and throwing in the towel

At Sangopan we offer NLP based therapy to deal with various issues such as fears and phobias, anxiety, poor self-esteem, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and overall reduced quality of life due to various psychological issues. We also use this technique for students to deal with exam phobia, to develop personality and boost up the confidence level of children, Sportspersons, business personals, Entrepreneurs etc.