While relationships aren’t always easy,
they are some of the greatest gifts we have.
Relationship Counselling
Every relationship has struggles, and sometimes you just need to be reminded that it's okay to pick the pieces up and put it back together if you think it will work out. How you fix the relationship is up to you and your partner.

Even the best of relationships go through highs and lows. Conflict is inevitable when two personalities clash with each other. Some people, however, are incapable of compromising for the benefit of both parties involved. In such instances, professional assistance can be sought to get things better. We at Sangopan offer every individual an opportunity to open up and put up his/her point of perspective without being judgemental. We try to offer a win-win situation and solution for both the parties.

Relationship counseling, also called couples therapy or couples’ counseling, is a type of psychotherapy. This type of counseling helps couples of all types to explore, recognize, and resolve conflicts in an effort to improve their relationships and interactions. Through counseling, you can be provided with the tools to make thoughtful and intentional decisions about your relationship.

There are many benefits that come from relationship counseling. When working with a relationship counsellor, you and your partner are able to explore the bigger picture of your relationship and individual interactions. You are given a safe space to explore the patterns of both your individual and couple behaviour, as well as find ways to be more conscious of your actions and decisions.

We provide a caring, supportive and non-judgmental environment to help you find a way through any difficulties you may be facing in your relationship.

Together we will first help you to identify the issues or problems you are facing in your relationship.

Marriage is an important event of life. It is an untraversed path for the most. However, marriage has many aspects which many people are not aware of till they experience it. Men and women both have different physical, emotional and sexual needs. Even, their way of thinking and perceiving usually differs from each other.

Premarital counselling is a therapy which helps to prepare the couples mentally for marriage. The counselling helps to make sure that you and your spouse can have a strong and healthy relationship throughout your life. Premarital counselling helps to improve a couple’s relationship before marriage. Following topics are discussed during the premarital counselling:

  • Finances
  • Communication
  • Beliefs and values
  • Roles in marriage
  • Affection and sex
  • Children and parenting
  • Family relationships
  • Decision-making
  • Dealing with anger
  • Time spent together

Importance of Pre-marital counselling

  • Premarital counselling helps to improve the communications between the partners and set realistic goals for marriage. It also helps to develop conflict-resolution skills. A positive attitude is established between the couples with the help of premarital counselling.
  • The primary step of premarital counselling is to prepare would-be bride and groom to understand the significance of marriage. Such counselling helps them develop the mentality of changing themselves and adjust with their partners in their spaces.
  • When bride or groom is mentally prepared for the marriage, the next step is the selection of the suitable partner. Compatibility between the partners is assessed instead of assessing the individual merits. This is a difficult job because at this time each partner tries to hide their negative characters and put their best in front. It is also difficult to predict the way partners will relate with each other whether love or an arranged or an arranged-cum-love marriage. Inter-caste, inter-religious or marriage with a foreigner are some critical situations which might cause a problem in future if not paid attention before marriage.
  • During counselling, each partner is asked separate questions to answer in written format to assess their perspectives about each other and their marital relationship. Various issues including gender equality, liberalisation & opening up of society, women adopting equal responsibility as breadwinner, nuclear families, demanding lifestyle, extremely cut throat competitive world, and stresses & strains of day-to-day life are discussed during the session.
  • It is also important to rule out certain diseases including thalassaemia, haemophilia, sickle-cell anaemia, and certain strains of Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, and others before marriage.

In conclusion premarital counselling helps to understand each other as a couple and their expectations from the marriage.

Feeling stuck in a marriage or relationship can be very painful – it can steal joy from every aspect of your life. Sometimes, you may believe that if you can just silence your criticisms, your relationship will improve over time. But, has this method ever worked for you yet? Are you perhaps realizing now that time has not helped strengthen your partnership, but may even have weakened it? With this realization, it can be difficult to know where to turn next. What can possibly save your relationship when all of your previous attempts have failed?

This is where a Marriage & Family Therapist can guide you in finding balance within your marriage or relationship, allowing you to let go of any resentment and/or anger you may feel toward your partner. Sometimes couples think time or perhaps having children will bring them closer or bring joy back into the relationship. Often, this is wishful thinking, which prevents couples from tackling the real problems or issues in their relationship. Avoidance is a common way for couples to cope with things that they feel are out of their control.

Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways.

Marriage counseling can help couples in all types of intimate relationships — regardless of sexual orientation or marriage status.

Some couples seek marriage counseling to strengthen their partnership and gain a better understanding of each other. Marriage counseling can also help couples who plan to get married. Premarital counseling can help couples achieve a deeper understanding of each other and iron out differences before marriage.

In other cases, couples seek marriage counseling to improve a troubled relationship. You can use marriage counseling to help with many specific issues, including:

  • Communication problems
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Conflicts about child rearing or blended families
  • Substance abuse
  • Anger
  • Infidelity
What we do?
"Relationships Are Complex, Most People Struggle At One Time or Another"

Your relationship may have started out wonderfully, with both of you deeply in love and feeling a powerful connection with each other. However, many couples struggle with adjusting to their new life demands and changes, which are developmentally unavoidable. In order to sustain, relationships need to evolve over time, with both partners growing together. It is common in a long-term relationship or marriage for there to be disagreements over interests, hobbies, finances, parenting, employment, personal needs or desires, etc. Unpleasant as it is, conflict is often unavoidable due to the fact that we all have different personalities, needs, values and/or beliefs. Often, however, couples focus more on changing their partner instead of accepting each other’s differences, which can lead to the breakdown of communicate, anger, frustration, anxiety and depression.

Our Marriage & Family Therapist will work with you in a safe and supportive environment where both partners can feel heard. Your marriage therapist will assist in helping you acknowledge you and your partner’s differences and similarities, identify any issues you are facing, develop attainable goals, improve communication, express feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment or criticism, learn to accept your differences, learn skills to resolve problems, and work as a team moving toward future goals.

Therapists are professionals who are trained and educated in assisting couples identify issues or problems in their relationship. However, unfortunately it is a common misconception that a therapist can magically fix all your relationship problems. During our confidential, comfortable sessions, you and your partner will be able to determine, as a couple, if you believe it’s worth fighting for your relationship. Then, when you feel ready to begin making necessary changes, as identified in your therapy sessions, a lot of work will be required under your therapist’s guidance to resolve your differences, heal from the past hurts, and learn healthier strategies to communicate and meet each other’s needs. It’s very important for couples to remember why they fell in love with their partner in the first place, and to think of this often, especially during difficult times. Being in a successful, healthy relationship requires many skills. If, for example, you didn’t grow up with happily married parents, you may struggle more in your adult relationships. In couples counseling, you will learn to grow both as an individual and as a couple.