The greatest discovery in life is ‘Self- Discovery’,
Until you find yourself you will always be someone else,
Become yourself.
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test
Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science in the study of the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. These patterns are formed from the external ectoderm and usually occur during the fetal development stage, thus the human’s fingerprints are formed from the 13th to 21st week.

Medical experts and scientists thus discovered that the amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a person’s multiple intelligences as well as his innate potential capabilities and personality. Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and how we learn, transforming our lives through a holistic education approaches.

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is study of fingerprints of human being that enables an individual to understanding their own inborn potential and personality type. Dermatoglyphics, Multiple Intelligence Test involves combination of various subject discipline like psychology, human genetics, embryology and neuroscience. DMIT Test was early used and implemented by specialized scientists and research experts. It is approved by various medical experts and scholar that Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence test is able to give outcome on identifying skills and personality type of an individual.

We all have different talents by birth. No one has all the talents. With Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligent Test (DMIT), a revolutionary system; we help individuals to identify their talents, to build them into strengths, and to enjoy the constituent, as well as to fulfill the ultimate need of self-actualization. DMIT is a system that identifies the most prevalent human intrinsic potential with the theory of human genetic inheritance. Through decades of research, scientists found out that our fingerprints implicit the simultaneousness of the development between our fingerprints and human brains neocortex.

Dermatoglyphics is a complete, auto-assessment interface that is uniquely adaptive, intuitive and responsive to any child’s unique needs and skill-sets. From a very young age, the ideal education needs to be holistic and should facilitate the involvement of multiple-intelligence based learning. The complete education for any child involves equal participation from both divisions of the brain, fostering creativity and application as well as analytical thinking brought about by the left and right sides of the brain. For parents to recognize latent talent within the child, these abilities must be harnessed and focused through the right channels.


Dermatoglyphics presents a scientifically tested assessment program that takes into account every child’s unique potential and affinity towards a particular section, developing specific core competencies from the childhood. For example, the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) might identify a child by his/her ability to process visual information better, or apply a skill-set based on auditory exercises.

The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) helps parents develop a specific learning program for their precious little ones, based on unique and individualized retentive powers and abilities. This way, a child’s brain remains focused on only those subjects that would hone his/her natural bent of mind, and not force the pressures of extra, unnecessary subjects. If a child responds best to cognition-based intelligence training, or kinesthetic learning (gesture-based learning), then a properly developed Dermatoglyphics-aided tests would help the parents identify an educational course for the child.

The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT), based on the principles developed by noted academician Dr. Howard Gardner, also helps parents get a unique, decisive insight into the natural talent of a child. Besides being a complete, comprehensive SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis for the child, the Dermatoglyphics report, as per Dr. Howard Gardner, is also a graduated counter that helps children choose their streams and areas of interest in schooling, colleges and even universities. So, if your child is good at recognizing pictures, or drawing with colors, the Dermatoglyphics report could ideally tell you is this interest is a passing phase, or a genuine talent that needs very careful honing and nurturing. The test itself is an extremely intensive evaluation tool that is proven to be accurate to at least 95%.

For an individual, the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) can prove to be highly effective in charting out a career-option, based on unique individual talents and merits. It takes into account a person’s core competencies, areas of strength and potential for further excellence within a given field parameters, and can give out a viable course alternative based on inferential data. This test is also effective if one is looking to change jobs, as it would outline the exact requirements an individual might have from a given stream or designation. In the very same way, it can help someone from college or university to zero-in on a particular course (majors or elective courses) by taking into account individual growth prospects, aptitudes and interest areas.

For adoption of a new skill-set, or even focusing on certain unique areas of core competencies from an early age, the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) report gives parents a unique opportunity to fool-proof the child’s future. Where most tests become just statistical analysis tools, the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) report produces an optimal evaluation-statement, as well as a comprehensive set of guidelines that would shape the natural talent and focus of the child. Truly, it is the unique, bold new face of personalized talent-based application of merit for each and every future engineer, doctor, mathematician and artist within every child.

In our opinion DMIT is most suitable for the young children. The facts state that they can absorb 80% of the knowledge till the formative age of 8 years. Till this age, they are full of energy and potential which needs to be channelized in an effective manner to benefit them. DMIT may help children and parents in following ways:

  • In determining their innate characteristics for enhanced parent-child interaction.
  • In identifying their learning styles and acquisition styles to enable them to grasp the most.
  • In devising specific learning module and methodology for them.
  • In deciding a suitable pre-school that has a structured curriculum.
  • In focusing on developing skills like motor skills or observational skills etc...

During the teenage and student life; brain starts specializing and people start developing their identities. Most students in their teenage, primarily do not understand their mental inclination. Researches during past 10 years, powered by technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, have revealed that young brains have fast-growing synapses and sections that remain unconnected. This leaves teens easily influenced by their environment and more prone to impulsive behavior. Thus, they need to be given proper guidance and direction at this stage. DMIA/ DMIT package offers thoughtful solution to them based on their innate potential than letting them succumb to their impulse. It is useful –

  • In determining the areas of innate interests so that they may choose a career accordingly and save their time, money and energy.
  • In identifying the scope of improvement so that they may be readied to face all round competition.
  • In polishing their personalities by understanding their personality development needs.
  • In facilitating to select suitable professional or vocational courses.

We are living in a fast pace world where organizations expect results as soon as yesterday and professionals working there are expected to deliver it accordingly. DMIA packages may prove their value for organizations and working professionals as these help them in-

  • Saving crucial time and energy to be spent on a not-so-right choice.
  • Assessing employees’ potential during pre-employment screening process.
  • Identifying training needs to bring in optimization in work output.
  • Investing wisely in selecting self-development programs to enhance core competencies
  • In determining the job rotation criteria and selecting the employees accordingly.

DMIA/ DMIT packages are catching up very fast amongst individuals and housewives because everyone is keen to know about oneself and to take best advantage of the same. There are innovative areas that have come up where individuals are applying DMIA benefits. To mention a few these are being used by –

  • Individuals keen to know about themselves to seek happiness and joy in life.
  • Couples in knowing each other to improve their compatibility, comfort & communication.
  • Families to develop and retain sound relationship among family members.
  • Business partners to know each other’s in-born traits to strengthen ties.
Uses of Dermatoglyphics

Dermatoglyphics is like a map that leads one to understand his own potential and talents. Everyone inherits innate intelligence from their parents.

If one’s intelligence gets no opportunity to be inspired and further developed, there is no way for one to develop a full range of intelligence of memory, understanding, reasoning, analysis, integration, and application. By analyzing dermatoglyphy, we can accurately understand the distribution and amount of cells in the left and right brain of the cell, and predict where the potential lies. Although everyone is bored with strengths and weaknesses; if they are identified early, we may further develop the strengths and improve our weakness, so that the left and right brain may grow in a more balanced and blend way.

DMIT Counseling:

The counseling sessions of DMIT gives details of an individual such as personality of an individual, brain dominance of an individual, acquiring styles of an individual, learning style of the child, various intelligences hierarchy, different quotients IQ, EQ, CQ, and AQ. Also it provides a detailed analysis and information on the employability matrix.

It gives details on child’s learning ability and information acquiring inclination. Parents are briefed on best learning methodologies for their child. Besides, child’s emotional bend, creativity, observational skills and analytically ability etc. are shared with parents to recommend knowledge tools for the child. It should be understood that a child tends to grasp most during this tender age and therefore scientific inputs should be given to enhance learning.

Apart from this it also helps individuals to know each other in a better way resulting into a better understanding and compatibility among couples, different relations and business partners as well.